Wednesday night out with Live Music

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Hello beautiful,

We had a little sleep in today. Usually we are early morning birds but last night we went out with our friends who are in town.. so we think we deserved to sleep a little longer! 😉  We had a very lovely day, up and running non-stop! Despite some productive working hours we made a raw food lunch yesterday for our friends and it turned out very tasty. We made raw taco with nut “meat” and raw sour cream – recipes will be up this weekend. We also made an improvised cake that turned out delicious. Recipe is below. In the evening we went to different bars and ended up at Buorbon Street with live music. The singer had such a personality that he turned it all out to a proper show! We enjoyed it a lot and we love to go to bars with live music.. specially if it is a good one! 😉

Something we have noticed now when we are very conscious with our bodies and minds – and how we treat ourselves, is how AMAZING our bodies work now when we pay close attention to all the signals we recieve all the time. For instance, yesterday the lunch was pretty big for what we are used to eat so in the evening we really craved to keep it simple. We had a massive orange juice for dinner each.. and seriously felt amazing and so vibrant afterwards! We were juice-high (if that even exists?! ;)) and our bodies were totally thriving. If you would have asked us a couple of months ago if we would replace our dinner for a juice we would have thought  you were crazy!!! We think it is so amazing how our bodies are constantly trying to tell us what it needs. Especially when we step outside our daily routines and habits and really start to pay attention and give the body what it truly wants and needs. What a difference in mood and energy we can experience!

We want to thank for all your lovely comments, especially on the last post! Every single one of you are amazing and filled with good vibes. Keep sharing your thoughts and ideas – and we all can benefit and help each other!

1365670133033Now it is time to make Raspberry Coco Chocolate Mousse Cake! The pics do not make the cake look as good it actually tasted. It was truly DELICIOUS and we highly recommend it! And as always, every single ingredients is GOOD for you and will make you feel vibrant and happy.. as all the food we are eating should make us feel.


– Nuts (we used a bag of mix nuts; brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds)
– Dates
– Dried figs
– Carob

Raspberry Coco
– Bananas
– Frozen raspberries
– Dates
– Coconut cream
– Crust (optional)
+ Banana

Chocolate Mousse
– 1 Avocado*
– 1 Banana*
– Raw cacao
– 1 tsp Agave syrup

* Depending how big you want to make the cake, adjust the amount of avocado and banana in your mousse. It is a good guidline that for each avocado use one banana.

– Fresh raspberries
– Raw cacao nibs


Start with making the crust by putting all the ingredients in your food processor and process it until you get a nice and super tasty crust. Divide it in to your form.

Now do your raspberry coco layer by putting all the ingredients in your mixer except the coconut cream. Mix until you get a nice creamy texture. We used frozen berries but as always take what you have at home. Pour it in a bowl. Melt a table spoon or two, depending how big cake you are making, of your coconut cream. Pour it into your cream and stir around with a spoon. Now chop a banana and add it in the cream and stir carefully around with a spoon. Pour it into your form. Put it in the freezer meanwhile you prepare the chocoloate mousse.

Put all the ingredients for the chocolate mousse in your food processor. Add as much raw cacao you want – the more you put the more delicious it will be! 😉 Mix until you get your perfect mousse (waaaay better than all fake and unhealthy ones) and add it on the raspberry coco layer.

Let the cake be in the freezer for an hour to chill. You can leave it there as well if you want to save it for later. Take the cake out a good while before and keep it in the fridge so it is perfectly creamy when you serve it! Top it with fresh berries and some raw cacao nibs to make it even more tasty.


BON APPETITE! We wish you a wonderful Thursday 🙂

Julie & Katrin

Skin glow


Happy healthy Thursday to you!

Today we want to talk about something very important with you and that is what we put on our skin. That is probably something most of us are doing and maybe not realizing what a big impact it has on our bodies and well-being. We might think we are treating our bodies well but unconsciously – we might not! 

Imagine all kind of cosmetics and creams, specially women but also men, are putting everyday on our bodies with the purpose to look good and therefore.. feel better (that is truly the opposite way it should be when we know the glow comes from inside). However, our skin is the biggest organ we have and should be treated with respect! In the end we are only creating a negative spiral when putting toxic on our bodies which make us crave more products to fix the harm the previous products did to us. Our bodies are magnificient and really do the best they can to fix and digest everything we are giving them. Is it not amazing? Not talking about the LOVE our bodies are giving to us.. and how are we treating it back?!  If you cannot understand the labels, if there are a too complicated ingredient and you would not eat it – yes then you should probably not put it on your body. It is simple as that but yet if you enter any cosmetic shop you will be bombard with advertisement that one product does miracle to you. It might do – on a outwardly.. but what are you really feeding your body with? Pure toxic! The question is, how long will that superficial glow last when your body from the inside is shrivelled? It might sound like hard words but this is how we find it and it is better to be honest and simply work for a change in this world. We cannot continue to support the big cooperations that are living on selling bad stuff and making the whole world addicted to toxins and chemicals.

So let us all try to be more conscious with our choices. We are the customers and can whenever we feel for it change our puchase habits! Let´s educate ourselves and each other to live an even better and healthier life. We might not today suffer from our facial creams but time will surely tell.


We are far from perfect yet and looking for substitute all the time. Please feel free to share your tips and tricks on staying healthy in all aspects. But one amazing product we have discovered is coconut cream! It is pure magic and works in so many different areas in life. You can cook with it (eventhough we are not) and make amazing raw cakes. Furthermore, it is the absolute perfect facial- and body cream. Not only smells delicious but truly does wonders for your body and face. You can also use it for your hair. Some use it as a deodorant as well. The options are endless! Make sure to buy organic and get rid of all your chemical creams you might have at home and you are ready to glow 😉

Julie & Katrin

Amsterdam living

13653198829601365319905404136532004854413653204092391365319893347136531993794813653199150921365320064351Hello lovely,

What a wonderful shining weekend Amsterdam have had to offer. We appreciate every sun beam as much we possible can! If you are from the Northen part of this world, you probably know what we are talking about? 😉 Many of us are blessed to develop such a gratitude for our sun and how powerful it truly is. The life energy it creates. It is amazing when you think deeply about it!

We had a very lovely weekend so far. As you can see from the pics above we have spent time outside in the sun. Walked around the city and had freshly squeezed orange juice by the canal in Jordaan. We have also enjoyed one of our favorite recipe; hemp/avocado salsa with raw pasta this time made by zucchini and carrots. Recipe is here! We also enjoyed our beloved key lime pie decorated with strawberries. Recipe you find here!

We also had some work done and our projects proceeds with heaps of love and process. We cannot wait to tell you all about it. It is amazing how this universe truly works. Even if we are aware of the energy force and we know deep within us that the only matters in life is this very moment and to go with the flow – we are over and over again amazed how perfectly everything in this universe is synchronized! As soon you start to pay attention to it. Nothing in this world happens without any deeper meaning. We simply have to be so fully present to be able to notice it. We have talked about appreciation list before but we cannot stress about it enough. It has truly changed our lives – million times to the better! We have done it for a long period in our lives but not very focused, more when we felt we needed it. When we started our new raw vegan lifestyle and in addition with Echart Tolle´s teachings about the power of now – it felt as the next natural step to take. To stay focused in this very moment – on a higher level. What we came to realize is how powerfully you are focused on what you are writing and by that allowing your vibration to rise. With time and practise you will match yourself with the frequency your object as attention holds. The most important part, do it with your fully attention and love! We started to do it seriously four months ago and have been amazed how our dreams now are very much our reality. In the end there is no difference between dreams and reality. It is a matter of focusing and it is obviously much more easy to focus on the “reality” that the rest of the world is constantly pointing at. However, our two first week together here we somehow stopped following our amazing habit we had created. We got so caught in our new life together here in Amsterdam and trying to settle two energies in a new way of living. It surely showed us after these weeks that we needed a change. We felt too many times disconnected and not fully present as we were used to. We simply needed a change! Then we suddenly realized we have totally forgot about the appreciaton list and last week we started again. Every morning we wake up have a massive glas of warm water with lemon and we sit down for a good while and write, write and write – about all the things we are grateful for and what feels right in this very moment! One week later we can clearly feel a difference in our energy field and how we are focused on this very moment, and from here everything can unfold with perfection.What we have realized is that we needed that break to notice how out of track we are when we donnot focus right here, right now. We want to point out that when you are very aware of energies and being in alignment with yourself – you notice it much more stronger and faster when you are not fully up-to-speed with yourself. You simply get used to higher and more connected feelings that every step outside your path feels so strong within you.

Before we leave you for now we want to share our Fresh Pink Nutness breakfast we started off this Sunday with!


– Bananas
– Strawberries
– Pomegranate
– Frozen cherries*
– Almond milk (optional)
– Maca
– Goji, dragon fruit and blueberries (topping)

* We used frozen cherries but as always take what you have at home.

Simply mix all your ingredients except the topping in your blender. Pour it in your glas. Voilá – ready to make you thrive!

Today we want to share some very powerful words by Echart Tolle that has helped us tremendously on our journey and suits perfectly whit our thoughts we have shared with you today. These words come from his book “The Power of Now”:

“You get ‘there’ by realizing that you are there already”

Simply but yet so powerful it can be!

With our hearts,
Julie & Katrin

Happy weekend

136483410663013648355254601364563174016136483411579713648358665011364835725095Hello lovely,

How was your Easter? Did you have a good weekend? We hope you are feeling relaxed and having peace in mind after whatever you might have been up to this weekend. If you had a weekend filled with social events it is even more important to take some me-time to really recharge and connect with yourself!

We had such a lovely weekend filled with old and new friends, good and healthy raw food and time to enjoy Amsterdam.. and of course a little bit of good red wine! 😉 It is an interesting time now when we are about to explore how it is to truly live a social and outgoing life but still stick with a healthy lifestyle. We find it so important to choose health before anything. It is not worth suffering your good vibes for the old (toxic) way of living. We simply have to create new habits and bring a big smile on our faces and try to do the best out of every opportunity. What we have noticed after this weekend is that it works perfectly to be a healthy raw vegan and still go out and enjoy yourself. Of course it depends on how “strict” you are and many times there are options if you ask for it and if you stay honest with your way of living. Donnot be ashamed of choosing health and good vibes – remember you are the one doing the right thing!!! The thing is to change your way of thinking. Say good bye to the old way of enjoying yourself when you are out and about. In the end it is always a question about habits… and what we all know, we can change them with a good mind set. And it is not a good bye and you miss out of things. The absolute best part we have noticed is that now we are so high on life in our way of living. We are creating our own well-being ourselves and now more or less everything turns out good as long as we bring our mind into it. You always have to remember that you are in charge of the situation and we have it all within us!

We will continue to share our thoughts about being raw vegan and still have a big social life. How it actually is – but we have to admit so far after 4 months it has been pretty easy. All our friends have been very supportive and we have been fortunate not to end up in any difficult situations. We are sure we will ran in to more complications later on but so far, it has truly  been.. amazing!

We wish you a wonderful evening and a good start of the week. Before we leave you for now we want to share today´s powerful words we found in Steve Job´s Stanford Commencement Address:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

With our hearts,
Julie & Katrin

Everyday routine – make a CHANGE!

416_563532303680220_241265994_nGood morning lovely,

How are you today? Excited for a new day? It took a little while for us to fully grasp the concept that YES every day is a complete new chance to do excatly as you want. It might sound obvious but think about it yourself, how many of us eat the same breakfast day after day? Take the same route to work? Do our groceries in the same shop and in the same way every time? These are just everyday habits and it is so easy to get stuck in a routine. It does not necessary need to be bad, it can simply be that it is the way to make life go forward, squeeze in all the musts in the timetable. But we think there could be another way of living, another way to rise the good feelings in life. Make the most out of a simple shopping route and follow that bliss that tells you to go to the left instead of the right, buy new fruits you have never tried before, smile to the people you encounter – who know what could happen when we allow new energy to enter our lives? Life is not supposed to be mediocre! It is here to make you thrive, develop and become more of that person you deep inside are. Every moment is an opportunity to allow the energy flow through you. Go with the flow and see what happens. We promise it will only be great as long you do it with a smile on your face! 🙂

Today´s smoothie is vibrant and delicious and will definitely make you feel good.


– Bananas*
– Frozen raspberries*
– Dates
– Maca
– Chia seeds

* This one is made out of bananas and frozen raspberries but as always take what you have at home!

Mix all your ingredients. The chia seeds will give the smoothie a nice thicker texture and the health benefits are AMAZING. We will post about it later on! Too good not to include in your diet. Pour your smoothie into a glass! This one is topped with some more raspberries and gojiberries.

Have a healthy and exciting day.

Julie & Katrin