Skin glow


Happy healthy Thursday to you!

Today we want to talk about something very important with you and that is what we put on our skin. That is probably something most of us are doing and maybe not realizing what a big impact it has on our bodies and well-being. We might think we are treating our bodies well but unconsciously – we might not! 

Imagine all kind of cosmetics and creams, specially women but also men, are putting everyday on our bodies with the purpose to look good and therefore.. feel better (that is truly the opposite way it should be when we know the glow comes from inside). However, our skin is the biggest organ we have and should be treated with respect! In the end we are only creating a negative spiral when putting toxic on our bodies which make us crave more products to fix the harm the previous products did to us. Our bodies are magnificient and really do the best they can to fix and digest everything we are giving them. Is it not amazing? Not talking about the LOVE our bodies are giving to us.. and how are we treating it back?!  If you cannot understand the labels, if there are a too complicated ingredient and you would not eat it – yes then you should probably not put it on your body. It is simple as that but yet if you enter any cosmetic shop you will be bombard with advertisement that one product does miracle to you. It might do – on a outwardly.. but what are you really feeding your body with? Pure toxic! The question is, how long will that superficial glow last when your body from the inside is shrivelled? It might sound like hard words but this is how we find it and it is better to be honest and simply work for a change in this world. We cannot continue to support the big cooperations that are living on selling bad stuff and making the whole world addicted to toxins and chemicals.

So let us all try to be more conscious with our choices. We are the customers and can whenever we feel for it change our puchase habits! Let´s educate ourselves and each other to live an even better and healthier life. We might not today suffer from our facial creams but time will surely tell.


We are far from perfect yet and looking for substitute all the time. Please feel free to share your tips and tricks on staying healthy in all aspects. But one amazing product we have discovered is coconut cream! It is pure magic and works in so many different areas in life. You can cook with it (eventhough we are not) and make amazing raw cakes. Furthermore, it is the absolute perfect facial- and body cream. Not only smells delicious but truly does wonders for your body and face. You can also use it for your hair. Some use it as a deodorant as well. The options are endless! Make sure to buy organic and get rid of all your chemical creams you might have at home and you are ready to glow 😉

Julie & Katrin

26 thoughts on “Skin glow

  1. Great post! If you are looking for a good read, I highly recommend “There’s Lead in your Lipstick”. It’s so eye-opening but offers lots of solutions to convential make-up and skincare. I slather coconut oil on my body everyday, and use it as a cleanser and make up remover, too. I also put it in my hair as conditioner, and use it in a homemade toothpaste and deodorant, too. Coconut fo lifeeeee! haha

    • Wow thank you!! We will definitely check that book. Thank you for sharing your ideas!! That sounds amazing if we can use coconut oil as make up remover. Have to give it a try. Thanks for the inspiration!!! We totally agree more coconut to everyone 😉

  2. Underbart inlägg!! Applåderar här borta!!

    Lite olivolja i badet är mysigt för huden,
    Är absolut inte kemikaliefri, men alltmer medveten. Använder inga lotions eller krämer – sällan smink o sällan tvål 🙂

    • Tack Nadia!!! Vi är långt ifrån kemikaliefria också men försöker göra så gott vi kan nu när vi är medvetna och byta ut gamla vanor. Så fortsätt gärna och dela med dig av dina tankar. Uppskattas en massa!!! 🙂 Stor kram från oss båda!!!

  3. Så fint innlegg 🙂 Tenk så mange som ikke er oppmerksome på dette, og kun fokuserer på hva de putter i seg. Den olja jeg kjøpte meg ble kalt “skin food”, og det er jo det det er. Kokosolje lukter så godt, og kan brukes til alt. Jeg pleier å bruke det til ansiktsmaske sammen med greens eller raw kakao. Klem fra meg =)

    • Tack så mycket Marie!!! Ja eller hur. Viktigt att INTE glömma bort huden. Det är trots allt kroppens största organ!!! Tack så mycket för dina idéer. Det låter jätte bra och spännande att göra en ansiktsmask. Måste prövas!! Stor kram från oss båda 🙂

  4. Jag rekommenderar Maria Åkerbergs hudvårdsprodukter! Svenskt och helt ekologiskt!! Jag har använt deras produkter i många år och det gör stooor skillnad!! Å så himla bra för det finns en butik vid Jungfruplatsen 😉

    • Tack så mycket Frida!! 🙂 Jätte uppskattat. Grymt när det är närproducerat och man kan stötta lite mindre och lokala aktörer PLUS att det är ekologiskt. Kan inte bli bättre!!! Eller joo.. att det finns på jungfruplatsen 😉 Stor kram från oss båda!!! Saknar dig

  5. great post sisters!! I wrote a post about this topic too here:
    I use coconut oil often on my skin & love it!
    coconut oil has so many wonderful health benefits. I use it for almost everything. This was a very interesting post! thanks again!
    btw, I hope you two check my lovely email I sent you! Hugs 🙂

    • Thank you beautiful!!!! We got sooo happy when we read your email 🙂 These days have been pretty busy whit friends over and a lot of works to do. We will reply as soon we can!! Big hug from both of us

  6. Veldig fint innlegg dere! Så altfor mange bryr seg ikke om hva de putter på huden, og tenker “det er jo bare litt”. Men litt hver eneste dag er MYE. Og det er ikke særlig respektfult å forvente av kroppenen våre at de skal holde seg friske når vi daglig motarbeider den.

    Jeg elsker kokosolje til alt 😀 Bruker det som body lotion, som deodorant (funker helt supert!!), og lager ansiktsmaske av den (1 ts kokosolje + 1 ts spirulina + 1 ts råkako- huden i ansiktet blir babymyk og fantastisk!). Som shampoo bruker jeg en alge-shampoo fra Urtekram, og av sminke bruker jeg kun concealer og maskara (begge øko og ikke testet på dyr).

    Håper dere får en god dag! klem

    • Jaa eller hur, vi håller med!! Vi är nästan mörkrädda över hur blinda och ignoranta vi har varit tidigare och smörjt in oss med alla möjliga konstiga krämer… usch!!! Tur att man inser det någon gång i alla fall 😉 Tack så mycket för dina idéer. Det måste absolut prövas!!! Du har så många helt fantastiska idéer. Fortsätt sprida dem!!! Stor kram från oss båda 🙂

  7. Supert med fokus på dette, det er jo så viktig! Selv har jeg brukt alle mulige slags produkter, både med kjemikalier og uten, og jeg må virkelig si at produktene med kjemikalier var utrolig harde for huden min, og gjorde den verre i det lange løp. Jeg er også glad i kokosolje, og ikke minst kakaosmør på som leppepomade. Bruker også ren agar olje i håret, noe som gjør det skinnende og mykt:)

    • Tack så mycket för din kommentar Tess!! Det är ett jätte viktigt ämne som vi tidigare inte ägnade någon tanke åt innan vi blev kemikalie-medvetna.. och nu är vi helt förskräckta över hur mycket gifter som vi är omringade av. Så vi får alla jobba för en förändring och tipsa varandra!! 🙂 Det är jätte bra tips. Tack så mycket för att du delar med dig!!!

  8. So interesting, and so right. I usually buy my beauty products in the organic supermarket, and sometimes use a discarded avocado pit to rub my hands with as moisturizer. But I didn’t think of coconut oil yet 🙂 stupid question: but when it’s cold, do you heat it to make it melt every time?

    • Thank you for your comment Sonja!! That is a great idea, thank you for sharing your tips and tricks. Really appreciated!!! There are no stupid questions, so bring them all on. When we use coconut oil as face cream you don´t need to heat it. It melts in perfectly to your face. The good part when you make raw cakes with coconut oil is that the oil melts at 24degrees more or less!! We wish you a wonderful Thursday 🙂

  9. Hi ladies, my sister told me about your amazing skin glow post today so I decided to take a look. I’m an Arbonne consultant and wanted to know if you’ve ever had the opportunity to try any of our skin care? It’s Pure, Safe and Beneficial, totally in line with your healthy philosophy. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  10. Just want to start by saying I LOVE you guys! You have such beautiful energies and I love your blog. I started my 100% raw journey 3 weeks ago so i love to find raw foodies on the web for inspiration 🙂 I loved this post an was wondering what do you use for soap? I have been using coconut oil for a long time a lotion and for my hair but not sure about y body wash. I shop at Lush because their products are vegan, handmade and have no synthetic ingredients. But when you mentioned ” if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t use it” i realized that I dint think id eat Lush’s soap! So just wondering you you recommend 🙂

    • Wow thank you Courtney what a wonderful comment! We are so grateful to be able to connect with you 🙂 We are very happy to hear you also have started a new journey for a better life. We are here to support each other so feel free to always share your thoughts and ideas! We are far from perfect when it comes to this as we mentioned and are still looking for good options now when we KNOW how important it is. We also use Lush´s soup but would love to find something even more natural. Unfortunately, we haven´t yet but we will share our ideas with you on the way on this journey when we discover new products. Do you mind if we ask what you use for schampoo? We are looking for something good for the hair! 🙂 If you have more suggestions except the once you already wrote – feel free to share! Many hugs from sunny Amsterdam 🙂

      • So sorry it took me forever to reply!! I never got a notice that you replied back and i totally forgot 😳. But thank you so much for replying i love your site and all your posts! So far lush has been the best but im still on the lookout and will let you know if i find a better soap. As for shampoo i actually use a brand made for people dreading their hair. Contrary to popular belief dreaded hair is VERY clean and those who know what their doing when dreading use the most natural soap possible to get the best results with their dreads. I currently use a brand called dreadlock shampoo, they have awesome stuff with all organic,vegan , natural ingrediants. They literally use about 5 ingredients, mainly oils, so you recognize everything on the ingrediant list. Plus its handmade by peace loving hippies 😉 They sell bar shampoo and liquid. My favorite is nap champa 😊 Good luck to you on your jounrey and once again thank you for shaing your love & light 🙏

      • Thank you so much for your reply! We will definitely look it up. Even better if it is made by loving people and of course we want to support products like this. Thanks for sharing it with us! We will keep you updated if we find a better soap as well. There are so many small brands definitely worth having a look on and we all time prefer to support small companies that are doing it with love and for the right reasons. Have a beautiful day! Keep shining. Many hugs from both of us!

  11. Pingback: You become what you eat – literally! |

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